Responsive Web Design Blog

231 Web Development old site build

231 Graphics New Blog features Responsive HTML5, CSS3, PHP and Javascript

A couple of months back I went through the 231 Graphics site and did a full on re-design to accommodate all of the different devices such as desktops, laptops, tablets and smartphones. Web developers nowadays have to think clearly about the way their sites will look no matter what the screen resolution or aspect ratio.

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Hennessy’s Irish Pub

hennessy's website responsive build

New Responsive Website for Hennessy’s Pub in Muskegon, MI

I recently got to build a great new responsive website for Hennessy’s Irish Pub and Restaurant located at 885 Jefferson Street in downtown Muskegon, MI. For those that do not know a Responsive Website refers to a website that changes design wise according to the size of your browser. The reason that is important has to do with the average user breakdowns which are in this day and age spread pretty evenly between normal desktop computers, laptops with smaller screens, tablets with even smaller screens and mobile devices which very dramatically in screen size. A true responsive site will look good on each of these, with different aspect ratios as this site does.

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