How to setup a Welcome Email after user confirmation

Override Confirmations controller instructions Ruby on Rails

Using a combo of Ruby on Rails, Devise, Action Mailer and Sidekiq To send a welcome email after a user signs up, you’ll want to override Devise’s RegistrationsController. Here’s how you can do that: In this file, add the following code: The super keyword calls the original create method from Devise::RegistrationsController, and the block (do … Read more

Adding Ahoy gem for first-party Analytics

Asking ChatGPT-4 about ahoy gem testing

The Ahoy gem provides a solid foundation to track visits and events in Ruby, JavaScript, and native apps. Here’s how to add it to a Rails 7 application: This will generate an initializer file at config/initializers/ahoy.rb and a migration file in db/migrate/ which creates two tables, ahoy_visits and ahoy_events. Then you can use the ahoy.track … Read more

Simple User Authentication for Ruby on Rails 7

ChatGPT-4 Screenshot question about Rails 7 user authentication

A quick question I asked ChatGPT-4:Can you show me an example of user authentication for a Ruby on Rails 7 application? Here was the response I got: Sure, in this example I’ll show how to implement a basic user authentication in a Ruby on Rails 7 application using a simplified version of the “has_secure_password” mechanism, … Read more

Regex tricks – Change strings to formatted numbers

Regex regular expressions javascript code

(regex == regular expressions) There are a few Regex tricks that I use constantly in my javascript stuff to control numbers or variable names. Here are a few examples of Regex in action. Remove non-numeric characters except periods: This will take a string or number and change it to an integer or a float that … Read more

Tables and Lists

Tables and lists html5 code

A Quick HTML5 tutorial on how to make and ordered list, an unordered list and a table. Simple quick video and visual tutorial with HTML showing how to create tables and lists. This is an example of a normal unordered list: <ul> <li>This is a test</li> <li>This is a test</li> <li>This is a test</li> <li>This … Read more

How To Set-Up WordPress

WordPress logo blue

The following will be an in-depth article on how to set-up a WordPress Site. There are a few things that you really will need. Really you need a hosting service and a domain to set it up under, beyond that you are golden. I am going to give you a step by step, here goes…

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